18 May 2011

good things right now

  • the birth of my friend's twin babies with most excellent names: Samuel and Juniper. seriously, aren't those names perfect?
  • a run of rainy days (exactly what I need right now)
  • a new soup recipe to try: from my girl's favorite book at the moment, "Soup Day" by Melissa Iwai
  • another query crafted and sent to an editor
  • this camera - I had no idea there was an instant film camera on the market! - I've missed my polaroid film so much - I may just have to get this
  • friends who are so kind. kind in ways that I don't deserve or warrant. a group of them are going to cut down our dead tree. another is coming to watch my girl while I make a phone call. (there is no way to pay people back, really, is there? no gift is enough. just a return gesture, a strengthening of the friendship bond, a promise to be there when they need us. right? I'm humbled and grateful.)
  • plans to make this have begun. (warning: very slow link, but worth the view)
  • dreams of making a new quilt, OK quilts, have begun dancing in my head with inspiration from Rothko and a pile of bandanas
  • the resumption of our daily family walks has been such a delight - hello longer days
  • summer pajamas!
What good things are happening for you?

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