19 May 2011

30 day challenge

I am at the beginning of a 30-Day-Challenge to get up early. OK, so early is relative. For this challenge I decided to spend the first 15 days waking at 6:30 a.m. with the plan to bump it up to 6 a.m. after that.

I had been doing really fantastic waking up early in March and the first half of April, but I fell off the wagon in late April. Well, I'm back on it.

I'm posting this so that I have some way of being held accountable.


Tootsie Marie said...

sweetie, why would yo do this to yourself? :) soon enough you will have to get up super early to get Scout off to school... every day! Sleep in while you can :)

Kelsi said...

If I don't wake up that early, I will never ever get a chance to write. It is purely for selfish reasons!