19 April 2011


Another one done.

I have been swimming in Shakespeare and loving it. My original goal was to "read six works of Shakespeare (with annotations)" and I did just that, with a little tweak.

At the outset of this project I consulted my high-school-English-teacher friend and told her my plan. She helped me put together a best-of/most-referred-to-in-other-literature list of works. And then, importantly, she reminded me that Shakespeare wrote plays, not novels. This little tip gave me permission to watch the video of the Shakespeare play without feeling like I was cheating.

I quickly fell into a routine: I'd check out the text from the library to review it, read the synopsis on Wikipedia and then watch a video of the play. I've followed this method with the following plays:
1. Romeo & Juliet
2. Hamlet
3. Twelfth Night
4. Much Ado About Nothing
5. A Midsummer's Night Dream
6. The Merchant of Venice.

Of course, I'd like to explore more of Shakespeare's works, namely "The Taming of the Shrew," "Othello," "Macbeth" and "As You like It." However, I will be taking a bit of a break as it seems that many of these works are running together in my mind. Ahem.

Any other Shakespeare recommendations must-sees/must-reads?

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