06 January 2011

2011 & #9

I am not much for resolutions, mostly because of my enormous birthday List I make each year. A New Year's resolution seems redundant and a bit too type A++. No? I do love the clean slate of a New Year. There is something so clean and fresh and possible about January. And the ideas about how I could have a better year, be a better person, they are abundant. Most of these ideas I just put on next year's birthday List and that's what I'm doing now with every idea except for one: I need to give more to others. Perhaps it's been the isolating nature of having a young child, the amount of energy that it takes to keep my household sort of running or maybe I'm just not as ambitious as most people, but I have not felt like I have had much to give to my friends. I've been in "take" mode for the past two years. I am not ready to run out and volunteer. I am not ready to make a sizable donation to a charity. However, I am ready to be a better listener, to raise my hand more quickly when a friend needs help, to invite a new neighbor over sooner than later and to call my siblings more regularly (at least once every two weeks). I'm not going to light the world on fire with my ambitious giving, but I am going to try to give a bit more of myself to my circle of people.

Also, I think I can cross #9 off The List. No, I haven't sold any mixed paper journals but if you were on my Christmas gift list, you got one. And since I'm sort of feeling totally overwhelmed by my List, I'm giving myself a break and counting this as done. Whew! (5 down, 28 to go - what was I thinking when I made that List!)

Went to Border's today to help my daughter spend a gift card she received for Christmas and I walked away with a couple of moleskines on clearance for .98 cents. Oh yes, and she picked out Steve Martin's The Crow: New songs for the Five String Banjo and Natalie Merchant's Leave Your Sleep. Yes. Music is a good thing.

Sorry about my prolonged absence. Insert the usual post-holiday excuse here:_____________.

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