21 January 2011

6 ways to restart your day

I am not a morning person.

I found this list in an ancient Oprah magazine and have found it immensely useful since I started using it. Of course, I've adapted it a bit. Maybe it will help you, too. Unless (gasp!) you are a morning person.

1. Spend your first 15 seconds awake planning something nice to do for yourself today. This can be as simple as picking up your reserved books at the library.

2. Get up. Get vertical. Get out of bed.

3. Drink two glasses of water. Dehydration makes us tired.

4. Move it. Exercise is the number one way of chasing away a bad mood.

5. Try to pinpoint what's causing your dread and anxiety.

6. Be kind and thankful. Generosity and gratitude are both big contributors to happiness.

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