I am exhausted by the behavior of the economy.
(Anybody else? Can I see a show of hands?)
The moodiness and fickleness of the whole thing is making me feel sad and scared.
I record everything we purchase.
I stick to the budget.
I use what we have.
I use coupons.
We don't eat out.
We share.
We borrow.
We simplify.
We only buy what is on the list.
We go to the library.
I do all those things that a good little recessionista is supposed to do.
And sometimes I allow myself to breathe a little. I allow myself to consider registering for a class to improve my writing. I allow myself to make a list of the books I would buy if someone gave my $100 and demanded that I spend it ONLY on books. I think about finally getting a nice haircut.
And then the stock market throws a tantrum...
And I am left feeling like a fool for even considering that silly class.
And I am angry that other people's stupid financial choices influence my life so much.
And I am scared.
And when I get scared I start making small, fearful, hopeless choices.
And making choices from a place of fear is NEVER a good thing.
I do not know what to do with these feelings.
I am exhausted from it too. I don't do anything different anymore though. Thrift stores, Bookmans... freaking walmart. That's where I shop :( no choice... but, I don't worry about it anymore, I can't help it by worrying about it. So, I am working on paying attention to the positive.... & there is lots of that even if it isn't about $. :)
Thanks. It just stinks so much. And I'm so careful. And NOBODY talks about this. I mean the crazy people on TV and the news internet sites do. But they aren't real. My friends don't talk about it. What it all means. And what we can do. So, I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening.
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