04 November 2010

a proper thank you

So. When I went to check my mail today I noticed this fabulous box from Amazon. And my first thought was (honestly) about those people who take sleeping pills and then do really weird things in the wee hours of the night. Like eating a gallon of ice cream (sign me up) or walking across town or doing the laundry or shopping online. Well, I've been really tired lately, though I HAVE NOT been taking any sleeping pills. But the thought that maybe, just maybe I was shopping online in the middle of the night, buying really cool things instead of worrying about the budget (barf) got me really excited. I started wondering what other long-coveted items would appear on my doorstep, what other goodies I was ordering at . I got so excited. I was really thrilled that I was just letting loose a bit. This whole thought took about .5 seconds.

And then I just felt the heft of that glorious package in my hand, admired that pleasing shade of cardboard brown and thought to myself, "Houser."

Thank you. It was totally unnecessary to purchase music for my family, but we are totally appreciative that you did. Thank you.

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