25 February 2011

perfect timing

If you are a writer, check out this link.
(That means you, Shannon!)


Nicky Outland said...

That is one of the best postcards I've ever seen.
Thanks, Kelsi, for brightening my day. :-)

Nicky Outland said...

So I traced the links back to where this postcard originated and it's from www.826valencia.org, a literacy advocate/drop in tutoring/pirate store.
Yes, I said pirate store, as in Arggg Matey!

Kelsi said...

That's even better, isn't it? I've almost bought these five times since I first saw them. I've settled with clicking on that link a couple of times as I write. It's just a nice boost. Also, I think I should open a pirate store. Because what could possibly go wrong?!